Concord Teams - DR Who

Personality profile, team builder and conflict resolution app.​

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Concord team delivers personality profiling, team builder and conflict resolution app has been specifically designed to build self awareness & equip personnel with practical knowledge to improve self leadership, team dynamics & better navigate conflict resolution.

Concord teams was looking for a solution to host their application, it was important for them to have a repeatable process where they could have single tenanted solutions for their bigger enterprise customers. More importantly since they deal with personally Identifiable Information (PII) data security was on top of their list. 

Automatum platform provided Concord Teams with:

  • Easy to deploy repeatable infrastructure 
  • Secure infrastructure to protect personally identifiable information (PII) data that is stored on the platform
  • Internal resource time savings 

What business issues/customer pain points led to desire to change? 

  • Not being able to manage the company at scale
  • There's a limit of how many clients can be managed at any one time
  • Time consuming process to conduct training consultations
  • Paper-based system
  • Required face-to-face interaction

Why did the Customer reach out? 

  • Existing network
  • Reputation in the technology industry
  • Take the company to the next level
  • Create a digitised workflow for the existing services
  • Provide a scalable solution for the company

Was there a previous solution?  

  • Face-to-face quizzes, interactions, and training
  • Paper-based documents

If so, why was it inadequate? 

  • Time consuming
  • Required to be face-to-face
  • Single person risk with DISC and coaching knowledge
  • Not a scalable solution

What solution(s)was proposed? 

  • Responsive web application
  • Convert the DISC profile process into an algorithm that could be reused
  • Allow end users to complete DISC profile quiz from their phones
  • Provide content to each end user that is relevant to their resulting DISC profile
  • Scalable cloud-based storage
  • Centralised database
  • SMS focused notification delivery

How was Automatum engaged? 

  • Automatum was engaged to deploy the infrastructure in a timely manner. Security was specifically important for this project as there are Personally Identifiable Information (PII) stored on the system. 

What were the key technologies used for this solution? 

  • PostgreSQL
  • RDS
  • EC2
  • S3
  • SES
  • SNS

Were there any unusual or unique aspects to this project?  

  • DISC profile quiz process turned into a reusable algorithm
  • Target users only had smartphones
  • Focused the delivery to be mobile-centric to increase onboarding success

Who is using the solution or affected by it? 

  • Training consultants
  • Company admins
  • General staff
  • Team leaders
  • Mining industry
  • Construction industry

How well does the solution resolve the customer's challenge(s)? 

  • Teams can be onboarded remotely and relatively quickly
  • DISC personality quiz can be completed remotely
  • End users don't need to manually calculate their DISC score
  • Teams of any size can be onboarded
  • Paperless solution
  • DISC score always available

What are the Business benefits? (Measurable!) 

Cost Savings 

  • Reduced time to travel to training events or consultations
  • Onboarding process is simplified
  • Web based application for paperless solution
  • Team training overheads


  • Accessible from a web application
  • Can conduct consultations and training remotely
  • Can be applied to existing or new teams


  • Centralised database for easy access to data
  • Mobile response
  • DISC profile results accessible from mobile

End user satisfaction

  • Simple and straightforward to get your DISC profile result
  • No need to manually count or calculate scores to determine the final result
  • DISC profile always accessible from account
  • Can do the quiz in their own time

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